
308 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
308 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

Idea Submission Phase
starts on:
Nov 08, 2020, 06:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Dec 02, 2020, 07:45 PM UTC (UTC)
Implementation Phase
starts on:
Dec 03, 2020, 06:35 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Dec 05, 2020, 08:30 AM UTC (UTC)


A hackathon is a potent way to apply one's knowledge in various spheres of technology to create an impact in society while contributing to the overall development of an individual. With these values, Hack-with-MAIT strives to foster this spirit of learning and progress in its audience to bring them closer to understanding and addressing the requirements of a technology-driven, fast-paced society while becoming industry-ready.

Hack-with-MAIT is a 24-hour hackathon organized by TechCom (official technical society of MAIT) in association with IEEE MAIT


  • Idea submission is from 10th November 2020 12:00 am to 2nd December 2020 11:55 pm
  • Judging of idea submissions will be done by our panelists on 3rd December 2020 and the selected ideas will receive a mail with further details.
  • Implementation and Code Hackathon is from 4th December 2020 12:05 am to 5th December 2020 11:55 pm
  • Result will be announced on 12th December 2020

Join the following groups after registering:
Telegram: https://t.me/hackwithmait
Zulip chat: https://techcom.zulipchat.com/join/xteq2mfr7p37rebqf3dbeeee/
Discord: https://discord.gg/mvsDdacM



For millions of people around the globe, particularly in developing countries, basic healthcare still is not a reality let alone skilled care that could up their chances for survival. In India, quality healthcare during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early days of the newborn continues to be a faraway dream for the low-income groups.
Access to good healthcare is a basic human right - a right that is often denied to many Indians living in rural areas. No quality infrastructure, medical facilities, and committed, qualified medical staff, add to the extreme disparities between the haves and have nots in the country.
Your idea could help rural India access health care and save the lives of many while destroying silly superstitions and reiterating the importance of much-needed reforms in the healthcare system. You can turn your groundbreaking ideas into action for lasting social change. This is your chance to participate and build apps or solutions that will uplift the lives of many.


Despite spending over $100 billion on India’s education, the country faces crises aplenty. Perhaps, what contributes most to the decline in learning is the shortage of teachers. India’s far from boasting a well-rounded education system with thousands of her children with no access to basic education because of poverty, unqualified and uninterested teaching staff, and outdated teaching methods and curriculum.
Unemployment in India is expected to touch 18 million this year according to the ILO, signaling a bleak future for many. Understanding that lack of career guidance is hampering young people's prospects. In rural India, good schools, trained teachers, and adequate learning material are hard to come by. Children are especially disadvantaged, and this lack of proper education translates into a dearth of growth opportunities in later years. Technology can help the underprivileged by contributing to economic progress, for both the individual and the nation, via affordable and innovative learning methods and facilities.
With an intent to co-innovate the solutions with the citizens, we invite developers and tech enthusiasts across the country to come up with inventive ideas and solutions to help contribute a little to the education sector from their side because there is always room for an idea that promises to make a difference!

Smart Cities

Today’s smart city is an enabling platform that delivers advanced services for businesses and residents, helping to bridge the digital divide and provide a better quality of life for all. Defined by its high-speed, low-latency data transmission, and ubiquitous connectivity, a well-planned infrastructure transforms cities into vibrant socio-economic communities. But in the current standings, we are facing a number of challenges to make our cities completely smart. Some of these challenges include water management, public health, disaster management, waste management, digital connectivity, traffic and transportation systems, traffic accidents, power plants, utilities, water supply networks, crime detection, information systems for schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services, garbage pickup, road maintenance, encroachment detection, incident reporting, virtual patrolling etc.
Digital transformation is revolutionizing countless sectors, dramatically changing the lifestyle of people around the world. In India, there is a great demand for logical solutions for building smart cities. We are constantly looking for innovative ways to live more responsibly and we think that a project on sustainability, sharing, collaboration, could concretely improve people's lives and help build the city in which we also would like to live. With an intent to co-innovate the solutions with the citizens, we hope to have the most creative minds to channel their focus into solving the most impactful problems of today and come up with inventive ideas and solutions to make our cities a better place for everyone.

Security and Surveillance

Security & surveillance plays a key role in ensuring the prosperity of citizens. It is one of the prime concerns of any human being and a city’s development is dependent on the well-being of its inhabitants. We have to leave our homes barely secured everyday when we’re at work, we place our apartments for rent when we’re on long holidays or we make a living out of this. Apart from this security includes other factors and domains. The various sub-areas of security & surveillance include home security, medical emergency, accident & first fast SOS, city transport, security of women & children, tourist support, etc. Also, the importance of respecting privacy and protecting against vicious data leakages while continuing to have a smooth online world poses big challenges in the field of security.
With this challenge we expect you to create something that would make you sleep at night a lot better, knowing that you and your family are safer and you’d be notified quickly if they’re not. Let your imagination run wild and design something which would make today‘s homes and offices smart and secure.


Pollution is one of the world’s biggest environmental problems all across the globe. We, humans, have ignored its consequences for so long. The natural disasters caused as a result of the dramatically changing climate, the rising temperature, untimely and fierce rains, all are consequences of our own ignorance. India has some of the world’s worst pollution levels. In 2020’s Environmental Performance Index, India is ranked 168th out of 180, Dragged down particularly by its low score for air quality.
With the increase of automobile quantity, especially in some metropolises, it is very impending to resolve the problem of air pollution resulting from automobile exhaust gas. Trying to reduce world pollution is no easy task, and it can only be achieved by the cooperation of technology & contribution of every person in the world. With the new smart ideas changing the way we live and work, we call out all tech enthusiasts and innovators to pitch and build solutions that are smarter than ever and can contribute effectively to this problem. We want you to build some innovative solutions from your end to help governments and other organisations tackle the problem in an efficient way.


While the digital revolution is transforming sectors across the country, India’s agricultural sector seems to have been left behind the starting line. In the push for progress, this socially and economically important sector needs investment and initiatives for the widespread adoption of technology. For sustainable outcomes, only the smart application of tech and scientific advances can boost rural growth and agricultural productivity. Once known for amazing innovations, the agricultural sector in India could perhaps be facing a lasting crisis threatening food security and the lives of thousands of impoverished farmers. Technological advances coupled with new financial and environmental policies are the need of the hour.
Can your idea maximize returns and minimize risks in agriculture, the backbone of the Indian economy, or perhaps find a better balance between production and consumption? If you are an avant-garde thinker, brimming with innovative ideas to help uplift the agriculture sector and improve the quality of life of farmers then this is your chance to showcase your skills and come up with technological solutions.

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Please contact event admin
Nitin Mittal at nitinmittal44066@gmail.com
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